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VallE d'Aosta Snow and avalanche bulletin

Legend of the graphs about the "SNOW AND WEATHER CONDITIONS OF THE 7 LAST DAYS"

This section of the Snow and Avalanche Bulletin is composed by three images, one for each of the main mountain massifs of the Aosta Valley, in which the trend of some snow and weather parameters of the last 7 days is represented. A brief description of each graph is reported below.

The mountain massifs considered are

For each selected area, the following parameters are shown (starting from the top to the bottom of each image):

For the morning and afternoon, the weather conditions icons, published in the weather forecast of the Centro funzionale regionale, are indicated. While for the night the data is not available.

E’ indicato il valore di zero termico per il mattino, il pomeriggio e la notte. Lo zero termico è stato calcolato a partire dai valori delle stazioni automatiche afferenti alle macrozone in cui è suddivisa la Regione Valle d’Aosta per il Bollettino neve e valanghe. Siccome in origine il dato è orario, per semplificare si considera per:

  • for the morning: the minimum value since 6.00 am to 12.00 am
  • for the afternoon: the maximum value since 12.00 am to 6.00 pm
  • for the night: the mean value since 6.00 pm to 6.00 am.

WIND AT 3000 m
Per poter indicare il dato del vento a 3000m si è scelto di utilizzare i dati relativi ai 700hPa provenienti dal modello previsionale Cosmoi2, perché più rappresentativi delle condizioni in atmosfera libera. Data l’estensione dei massicci, essendo presenti più valori, si è deciso di rappresentare il 90° percentile dei dati di intensità e la direzione del vento ottenuta da una media ponderata con il cubo dell’intensità. Le corse considerate dal Cosmoi2 sono le seguenti:

  • for the morning: runs 06, 09
  • for the afternoon: runs 12,15
  • for the night: runs 18, 21, 24, 27.

The icons identifying the avalanche danger levels extracted from the corresponding snow and avalanche bulletin are shown. For each massif two or more microzones of the snow and avalanche bulletin are considered; whereas only one data can be published, we chose to report the highest danger levels.

The snow depth data at 2000m and 2500m are represented, considering the median value of the snow dephs modeled by the S3M model relative to these altitudes and considering a range of ± 200m. The results of the S3M model can be consulted on the Snow Maps page.

In a similar way to that one indicated for the snow depth, data at 2000m and 2500m relating to the new snow of the last 24 hours are processed from the S3M model, whose maps are found on the Snow Maps page

The raw data used, with the exception of those relating to the avalanche danger level, are owned by the Meteorological Office of the Centro funzionale regionale of the Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta. Wind data are processed from the Cosmo-2i model, acquired by the CINECA computer center, and made available by the Meteorological Office of the Centro funzionale of the Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta as part of the institutional activities related to the Civil Protection System


The realization of this section and these graphs is made possible thanks to the Project “RISK-GEST”, of the Piano Integrato tematico (PITEM) “RISK - Resilienza, Informazione, Sensibilizzazione e Comunicazione ai cittadini”, funded by the Programma di Cooperazione transfrontaliera Italia/Francia “ALCOTRA” 2014/20 (FESR), e thanks to the project SKIALP@GSB, funded by the Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale, as part of the Programma di Cooperazione Interreg V-A Italia-Svizzera.

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